Kid writing new year resolution

"4 Steps for Fun Kids' New Year's Resolutions"

Happy New Year Picky Eater Parent!

2021 is here and we’re sure you have a few goals you’d love to reach. But what about your little ones?

No doubt they’d love to share in the excitement and major boost of confidence in setting and reaching New Year’s Resolutions.

But setting goals doesn't have to be all serious. It can be fun too!

Here are a few tips to make New Year Resolutions fun for you and your kiddo.

1. Brainstorm With Them

We all know the wild (and awesome!) imaginations our kids have. So asking what they’d want to accomplish this year might get some pretty off-the-wall answers. Or, they might be drawing a blank. Hey, we know their little brain’s engines are in overdrive from thinking of all the possibilities! 

But this makes for the perfect brainstorming session. Getting all those great ideas out on paper will get the creative juices flowing! 

Now, depending on your kiddo’s age, they’ll have much different goals. Here are a few to think about. A goal for a preschool age child might be to brush their teeth every night, or learn to use the potty. If they’re a little older they might want to practice their favorite sport regularly, or eat more vegetables.

Or, another awesome goal is to eat less sugar by taming that sweet tooth. 

Try to come up with one or two just-for-fun goals like riding their bike or making crafts. And one or two improvement goals like better eating habits, or cleaning their room more often.

2. Write them down

Did you know that just writing a goal down makes you 42% more likely to achieve it!?

But statistics aside, having your kiddo write their goals makes them more memorable, and gives them something to look forward to. 

If your little one is already writing, then have them jot their goals out themselves. But if not, a little help from mom and dad makes perfect teamwork! And don’t feel limited to pen and paper either. Using colorful paper, crayons, markers, and stickers can make it a heck of a lot more fun!

3. Make Them Visible

Now that your kiddo’s goals are written down and covered in stickers (like their bedroom or anything else with a solid surface), it’s time to post them.

Seeing our goals daily can have a motivating effect and keep them fresh in our mind. And it’s the same for our little ones!

A great idea is to get the whole family involved. Have everyone write out their resolutions, and post them where they’ll be seen everyday. Your kiddo will see their resolutions next to yours and get that extra jolt of inspiration. And knowing we have little eyes looking up to us means following through on our New Year Resolutions!

4. Follow Up With Fun Rewards

Every month or so, check in with your kiddos and see how their goals are coming along.

If they feel good about them, plan on a fun reward to treat them with. Think, a nice day out at the park or a fun activity. This can boost their motivation even more and encourage them to keep going strong.

If they’re falling just a wee bit short on their resolutions, don’t worry! Offer them words of encouragement and help them come up with fresh ideas for how to reach those goals.

Taking the time to make resolutions with your kiddos this year will not only be fun, but will teach them invaluable lessons.

Goal setting, accountability, healthy living, and problem solving are all things they can take away from this activity. Not to mention, their excitement might even inspire you to hit your own goals!

If one of your kiddo’s New Year’s resolutions is to remember to take their vitamins, then check out Renzo’s Melty Tabs. Our kid’s vitamins are not only approved by Picky Parents like you, but they’re LOVED by Picky Eaters making this Resolution a no-brainer! 


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