Parents’ Guide to Choosing a Kids’ Multivitamin

Parents’ Guide to Choosing a Kids’ Multivitamin

Is it time for your child to start taking a kids' multivitamin? What are the pros and cons of an all-in-one supplement? When does a multi for kids make sense, and should your kid take one daily? 

Nearly every parent has asked these questions! And we get it. There are dozens and dozens of vitamins for kids, so how can you know which one your child needs?

In this post, we’ll discuss why you should choose a children’s multi (specifically, a children's multivitamin with iron). We’ll also cover what to look for and more!

Multivitamins make sense for kids who are picky eaters

Let’s be honest…. Most kids don’t go begging for broccoli and spinach at dinnertime. Do you ever see a toddler bouncing off the walls in anticipation of their hearty serving of beets? Possible, but highly unlikely…

For many parents, incorporating the nutrients their kiddos need into meals isn’t intuitive, easy, or, in some cases, even possible. That’s where a high-quality multivitamin formulated for kids comes into play. A multi is a no-brainer for picky eaters, and we consider it a daily must. 

Even if your kid isn’t “picky,” a multivitamin can fill the gaps 

Your kid might not be picky, but they could still benefit from a multivitamin!

Kids get busy and distracted and forget to finish their nutritious foods. They have moods, just like the rest of us, and what they loved last week, they can’t be bothered with this week.

Plus, you’re busy! Even super health-conscious families have trouble fitting all the necessary nutrients into their weekly diet. 

Also, you can’t always know what nutrients they’re really getting. You might know what’s on the menu at daycare and school, but not whether your kid really ate those nutritious foods!

With a daily kids' multivitamin, you can relax knowing your little ones always get the nutrients they need in the proper dosages—even while on vacation!

A kids' multivitamin lets you simply and effectively cover the nutritional bases. 

Not sure whether your kid is a little low in vitamin B12 some days and calcium other days? Give them a daily multivitamin. 

Worried because they’ve stopped eating every single food with iron? You’ve got that covered when you choose a children's multivitamin with iron.

The health benefits of a kids'multivitamin 

Kids need a lot of nutrients every day! Not just “macronutrients,” like carbs, proteins, and fats. Kids also need essential micronutrients, including vitamins and minerals, regularly—ideally every day.

Specifically, kids need vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, and folate, as well as minerals like calcium, iodine, iron, and zinc.

These micronutrients support kids in countless ways. Every month, new research emerges on vitamins and minerals' role in growth, development, immunity, and more. We’ll cover a few of the big-ticket items here.

Supporting overall growth and development 

Kids' brains and bodies are hungry for micronutrients from infancy to the teenage years! (Even if their eating habits don’t show it.)

Thankfully, very few kids who get enough to eat are outright deficient in micronutrients. But some kids do slip below the recommended levels, and that’s a concern for their development.

The vitamins deemed “essential” are super important for cell growth, energy production, and the overall development of organs and tissues. Kids need nutrients for their brains and nervous systems to develop fully.

Nurturing the developing immune system 

Next on every parent's wish list is immunity! When kids can ward off icky viruses, everyone wins. The fact is, kids need to build resilience against invaders every day, all year. During childhood, their immunity is developing and getting tested constantly.

So, they need immune-supportive micronutrients every day, too. There are quite a few nutrients that support immunity in kids. These include vitamins A, B6, C, and D, iron, folate, zinc, and more

Enhancing energy, focus & mood

It might sometimes feel like your kid has too much energy! But healthy energy is steady, sustained, and available when they need it. Micronutrients like B vitamins are essential for energy metabolism.

Developing brains and bodies also need plenty of micronutrients to sustain a calm, happy mood, mental clarity, memory and attention. B vitamins help there, too—vitamin B6 is especially respected as a brain-booster. Another essential for kids’ moods is vitamin D.

Iron is also essential for energy and is one of the most common childhood nutrient deficiencies. That’s why we absolutely recommend a children's multivitamin with iron.

Promoting healthy bones and teeth 

These are the years your kid will grow the bones and teeth that will last a lifetime! To grow strong bones and teeth, kids need a steady supply of vitamins and minerals. 

Calcium is the primary building block of bones and teeth, while vitamin D3 enhances calcium absorption in the gut. Vitamin K plays a role in bone mineralization and helps regulate calcium in the bones and blood. 

Giving your kid a multi with these essentials reduces the risk of fractures and dental issues.

Deciding whether a multivitamin is right for your child

Should I give my child multivitamins? Lots of parents ask this exact question.

You may wonder if a kid’s multivitamin is necessary. 

The fact is that most kids don’t get the full range of micronutrients every day. Some days, we celebrate when our kids eat something from each major food group. On other days, they want to survive on low-nutrient foods like crackers. This can lead to gaps in their nutrient intake!

If kids are in daycare or school, it’s hard to be sure whether they really ate their fruits, veggies, whole grains and healthy proteins.

Even minor gaps, when regular, can be a concern. “Several studies have shown that picky eating is associated with a greater risk of being underweight and having poor growth.” (Proceedings of the Nutrition Society) 

If your kid eats a balanced diet some days but other days eats nothing but mac-n-cheese and chicken nuggets, a kids' multivitamin will fill their nutrition gaps!

What to look for in a kids' multivitamin

Ok, so you’ve come to the conclusion that your kid might not be getting the full spectrum of nutrients they need every day to develop, grow, and stay healthy.

It’s time to search for a multivitamin that you approve and your kid loves.

Choosing the right multivitamin for your child can seem daunting, with so many options available. But don't worry—we've got you covered! 

Here's a guide to help you navigate the essentials and find the perfect multivitamin for your little one.

Check the ingredients list

First, it's important to understand the common nutrient deficiencies in healthy children. The four main childhood deficiencies are:

  • Vitamin D: Kids need vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote bone growth and strength. It’s also essential for immunity, mood, muscle health, the gut and more!
  • Zinc: Zinc is crucial for growth, immune system support, and wound healing in growing children.
  • Calcium: Growing kids need calcium for building strong bones and teeth, muscle function, and nerve signaling.

Any good kids' multivitamin should include these core nutrients. Beyond these essentials, look for other critical vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12 
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Folate
  • Iodine
  • Vitamin K 
  • Selenium
  • Chromium

You want a kids’ multivitamin that covers the bases, so you know your child is getting the nutrients they need to thrive!

Do a quality check

Quality is just as important in vitamins as it is in food! Look for products that use high-quality, well-absorbed forms of nutrients. 

Here are a few top ingredients to prioritize:

  • Carbonyl Iron: Gentler on the tummy and more steadily absorbed than other forms like ferrous sulfate.
  • Vitamin D3: More effective than Vitamin D2 and ideally sourced from vegan, cruelty-free options.
  • Methylfolate: A superior form of folate readily used by the body, crucial for brain and heart health.

Healthline rated Renzo’s among the top multivitamins for kids because our quality is trusted, and our ingredients are top-notch. 

It’s not just what’s inside that counts!

Maybe the most important of all—yummy taste! Because we know that if our kids don’t like the taste, those amazing vitamins and minerals will be long forgotten at the back of our medicine cabinet. 

Kids can be picky about the taste and texture of their vitamins! It’s not easy to get it just right!

Renzo’s Picky Eater Multivitamin comes in kid-approved, easy-to-take melty tabs that dissolve in kids’ mouths. They’re also backed by a “Picky Eater” money-back guarantee, so if your kid doesn’t absolutely love the taste and texture, you can get a full refund.

What to avoid in a kids' multivitamin

Choosing the right multivitamin for kids involves knowing what to look for—and, just as importantly, what to avoid. Here are key things to watch out for to ensure your child’s multivitamin is as healthy as possible:

No artificial additives

Avoid multivitamins with artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners. These unnecessary additives can cause adverse reactions in some children and offer no nutritional benefits. Instead, opt for products that use natural ingredients and keep it simple and clean.

Zero sugar, please!

Many children’s vitamins are loaded with sugar to make them taste better, but these stealthy sugar bombs can do more harm than good. 

Added sugar is harmful to anyone’s health. Getting into the sugar habit young can set our children up for a lifetime of struggles with sugar.

Did you know? An average gummy vitamin can contain as much sugar per gram as a Cookie! Most families don’t count gummy vitamins as added sugars, and kids may take multiple gummies daily, so they get way too much sugar—just from supplements!

Gummies also stick to teeth, which is a no-no for dental health. That’s why dentists urge parents not to give their kids gummies with sugar.

Luckily there are some amazing natural alternatives to sugar, like the monk fruit we use in Renzo’s.

Watch for allergens and GMOs

Quality ingredients tend to cost more, so some brands find cheap substitutes. Look for multivitamins free from common allergens like gluten and GMOs. 

Best age to start a multivitamin

Today, kids start taking vitamins from birth! Vitamin D is prescribed for infants because doctors realize it is so important.

There’s no universal right age to start taking a quality, safe multivitamin. For safety, infants and toddlers shouldn’t take gummies because they’re a choking hazard, but they can take multivitamins like Renzo’s that dissolve in the mouth. 

We offer dosing for kids from ages 2 to 3 and up because we know that’s when parents notice their kids getting picky—and they start to get worried.

If you’re unsure, ask your family doctor or pediatrician about multivitamins for kids.

Making a multivitamin part of your kid’s daily routine

The fastest way to make taking a multivitamin a part of your kid’s routine? Get a yummy one. Your kids will remind you that it’s time for their multi!

Parents often tell us their kids ask for Renzo’s—it’s a highlight and a special moment in their days. We love that… And we have a few tips anyway.

Check the dosing by age

Another easy thing about multivitamins for kids is that they have dosing on the label by age. Simply keep track of the number of multis your child should have per day. 

Explain to your kids that it’s important for them to get the right amount every day—not too much, not too little. Some kids will be able to help you keep track.

Consistency is key

A multi is meant to be taken daily, so make it a part of your kid’s daily routine.

  • Habit Stack: Pair vitamin time with an existing habit, like breakfast. Vitamins at breakfast give kids a great start to the day!
  • Lead by Example: Take your vitamins alongside your kids. This models good habits and creates a sense of accountability and bonding. Plus, it ensures you’re keeping up with your vitamins, too!

Use vitamins as a supplement, NOT a replacement

Multivitamins for kids can help fill nutritional gaps and support overall health, but they’re not a replacement for healthy, nutrient-dense foods.

So, even though it’s a struggle, keep trying to get your kid to eat the rainbow! Let them know that the multivitamin will help them grow big and strong, but they also need whole foods, healthy proteins, and nutritious fats every day.

Eventually, they’ll get on board! In the meantime, you can rest assured they’re getting what they need.

Why choose Renzo’s multivitamins

Renzo’s Picky Eater Multi is packed with 18 essential vitamins and minerals to help kids grow strong and stay healthy. It’s a children's multivitamin with iron (check) and the other essentials that kids need (check, check, check).

Our melty tabs are free from artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners and contain no sugar—only natural sweetness from monkfruit. Plus, they’re vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO! 

And with a delicious cherry and apple flavor, they’re a hit with kids! Parents write to Renzo’s all the time to say they’ve finally found a multi their kids love and ask for by name. 

Of course, if your kids don’t fall hard for the Cherry Cherry Mo’ Cherry natural flavor (or Lil' Green Apple) and melty texture, you are guaranteed your money back.

Key points on multivitamins for kids

Kids' brains and bodies thrive on a wide range of nutrients! But they don’t always get that wide range from diet alone—even if you’re carefully offering all the right foods.

Some nutritional deficiencies are more common in kids than others. To cover your bases, choosing a kids' multivitamin can make a lot of sense. Just one supplement a day can give them the support they need to keep up the good work of growing and building a strong immune system.

Make sure you choose a quality multivitamin with none of the bad stuff and all of the good stuff. Naturally, your kids have to approve of the taste and texture, too.

Try Renzo’s Picky Eater Multi with Iron, and let us know how your kids love them!

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