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Melty Tab Tales - Lila & Logan's Story

Hi there Superstar Parent!

We absolutely love when our awesome parents share their experience and how Renzo's has played a part in their own story.

So we thought...why not share them with you as well? 

Let's dive in!

This month's story features Lila. This supermomma found us about 11 months ago and choose our Bright & Brainy B6 Melty Tabs for Logan, her son.

Here's her story in her own words:

"My six-year-old Logan was diagnosed with epilepsy in February last year and his medication causes some pretty harsh side effects.

We learned Vitamin B6 is one positive healthy way to keep the side effects under control.

But how do you get a six-year-old to take a pill? It just doesn’t work, so when I found these Melty Tabs I was over the moon excited. When we got them, and Logan tried them we couldn’t be happier!

We have used them ever since and it’s going on almost a year seizure free. 

Thank you Renzo’s!"

- Lila H.


This story outlines what our every-day mission is: making it easy to make the healthy choice for your little ones! 

In this case, our B6 was able to help Logan be healthier and happier.

Ready to continue letting Melty Tabs make parenting just a bit easier? We sure hope so!

Shop Renzo's Melty Tabs


P.S. Is there a story behind your Renzo's experience? Share it with us, we'd love to hear it :)  

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